21.08.2024 14:49:36

Webinar: EU ETS – Auction participation and secondary market outlook

Dear all,

EEX is pleased to invite you to our webinar EU ETS - Auction participation and Secondary Market Outlook, which is held in cooperation with the European Commission via MS Teams on 5 September 10:30 am CEST.
During the webinar, we will introduce EEX as the common auction platform, several options to access the emissions auctions, the auction process as well as the secondary emissions market, and answer all questions which are relevant for you as an existing customer or entity with compliance obligations under the EU ETS. The inclusion of the maritime sector into the EU ETS will also be part of the presentation.
Please find attached an Outlook invitation which you can add by double clicking here.

If you would like any further information, feel free to contact EEX directly.