Possibility to sign the agreements with market participants electronically
As of 1 July 2021, OTE, a.s., will enable market participants to sign agreements for the electricity and gas markets or account holders in the Union Registry and their possible amendments in electronic form.
It is assumed that the contracting parties agree on this method of signing in advance and they use a qualified electronic signature.
The possibility of signing the paper originals of the agreements manually still remains.
Electronic signing of documents is regulated by Act No. 297/2016 Coll., On services creating trust for electronic transactions, which in the case of legal action of a public signatory (which according to this Act is also the company OTE, a.s.) requires to sign an electronic document using only a qualified electronic signature.
In accordance with this Act, OTE, a.s., as a public signatory, will provide the signed electronic document with a qualified electronic time stamp. A contractual partner who is not a public signatory does not have to use an electronic time stamp.