The webinar has already taken place - link to the webinar recording below in the text. Webinar on "EU ETS - Participation in the auctions and outlook secondary market"
The European Energy Exchange (EEX), as the common auction platform for the EU ETS, in cooperation with the European Commission, is organising a webinar on "Participation in the auctions and outlook secondary market" to raise awareness of the EU ETS auctions and encourage participation in the auctions, in particular among EU ETS operators.
The webinar will take place via MS Teams on 28 June 2022 at 10:30 CET.
During the webinar, the EEX as a common auction platform, several options to access emissions auctions, the auction process and the secondary emissions market will be presented and any questions relevant for traders or entities with compliance obligations under the EU ETS will be answered.
The webinar has already taken place. In case you didn’t have the chance to watch the webinar live, you can find the recording under this link.
Furthermore, the presentation slides are available here.
For further information, please contact the EEX directly (email address